Friday, January 8, 2010

Why is beauty important in society?

Especially, for women. Beauty seems more stressed on women. It really does not make a difference though. Not matter how good-looking you are someone will find you ugly, and not matter how ugly you are someone will find you good-looking. Why exactly does the idea of being good-looking exist if it is so relative? As relative as beauty is, how come some people are morely to attract more people based on their looks?Why is beauty important in society?
Beautiful people usually get ahead in life.

People give them a pass and they usually don't have to work as hard.

Its really sad.Why is beauty important in society?
Beauty immediately changes your perspective on something. A wellspoken ugly person will most likely be less well received than a well spoken attractive person simply because they are less pleasing to the eye. Knowing this and seeing how beautiful people are treated(just look at celebs) this way of thinking is enforced and now everyone seems to live by the same equation...

Beauty=respect, power, attention

These are things everyone deserves and wants. As human beings, we must learn to ovverride this tendency and appreciate everyone for who they are individually. There is always someone more beautiful than the next-in the end we must focus on what makes a person unique and therefore lovable in his/her own right!
The society we live in exploits anything like education, the army, cars, etc with beauty. Notice all these nursing degree advertisements, or college ads the girls are always good looking, in shape, even the lose weight ads. Using beauty as a way to get attention fo programs is one reason why many don't think them serious, like the std ads. Society, makes beauty mean that you are in shape, good looking, perfect, skin, but if you have nothing to over power that you are pretty useless.
i just think its ignorance, people tend to judge people on their looks which is very wrong.

at the end of the day, what does it matter if your ugly or good-looking if your not a good person?

obviously people have different tastes, but if you've realized its women who are normally judged based on their looks. therefore we feel the need to cake our faces with make up and go under the knife just so men can be happy.

Beautiful people are simply pleasing to the eye. They appeal to one of our senses.
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