Wednesday, April 28, 2010

What would you consider priority and what secondary: investing on your beauty or investing on electronics?

By electronics I mean laptops, Ipods, mp3...What would you consider priority and what secondary: investing on your beauty or investing on electronics?
Both would loose value pretty quickly... If the money not to generate any return, i'd try charities...What would you consider priority and what secondary: investing on your beauty or investing on electronics?
Beauty is god's gift. one can artificially change the same externally and

has no returns.hence it should be secondary.where as electronics would

update your knowledge keep you in touch with the world.updating your

business. systems develop contacts, entertain you in spare time.lots of

hidden advantages as such priority should be accorded to electronics.
An investment on my beauty would be like an investment in Lehman Brothers, money down a rat hole. Give me a new computer any day. Actually, give me a birding trip to Peru. Yes.
I have answered this question twice already

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